Wednesday, 15 June 2011

My painted shelves

The items that sit on my newly painted shelving unit are mine all mine ,I get so much joy from them , they are my treasures.My treasures are often items that have been given away or have parted from their origional owners.My most favourite items are  tea cups.I love my tea cups ,the teasets and jugs I think mainly kitchenalia.

I'm not sure why I get so excited over a single tea cup in the charity shop window .I don't use them to drink tea I don't even like tea .I drink the odd flavoured one oh and am rather parshall to an earl grey.But I am mainly a coffee girl.Maybe it is just my love of vintage items that makes me drawn towards them .I have my nans tea set that she had packed away in a box in her pantry .It is dark pink and the plates remind me of the old bakewell cakes with the white and brown icing we had as kids at her's.Anyway I do have other items on the newly painted shelf that is all mine.Eg cakestands ,old plates ,some ornaments and odds and ends.One of the cakestands was my nans and also a pale little marmalade jar .I think maybe it is a time and a era from which I would possibly have preferred to be .Or even could be just cause they were my nans and am holding onto fond memeories of that time  .Who knows what is going on in my head all I know is those items and my newly painted shelves make me smile Tx

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