I have just yet yet another Etsy bill threw.And yet again I have not sold a thing.I have alot of people liking my work and listing in treasury's but I am thinking how long can I go with not even making the cost of the billing back?.I have just re set myslef back up on Folksy which I closed shop for a while whilst ill .Only ever sold a few things on there to .Still not covering costs of listing though.I am wondering is it time to give up on the internet market places and just make for the sheer joy of it . Do the odd craft fayre just as a social thing and hope that I may sell the odd thing just to cover costs.Thing is I will never be able to do loads of craft fayres due to my disablilty.It hurts to much to sit for all that time and I suffer for to longer period after them.I really am at a point of not knowing what is best.
I am thinking without my crafts though I will get bored ,life will be pretty crap so I would have to continue in some way.
I have my voluntary job as the craftgroup leader at Dostiyo that comes up once in a while .But is not a weekly thing for me.I think I need to find something I can do to make me feel useful and not spend money.
I am thinking now I have my scooter I maybe able to volunteer again for the charity shop for a few hours again .Not being able to access the loo's was a big issue in my wheelchair ,but now I am more mobile with the scooter I can always use a public loo .I want and need something to do .And socially I need a way to get out more often .Hmmmmmmmm If I had a few hours in a shop at least that would be less time at home getting bored or crafting so much that it is costly and taking up so much room.ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGHHH haha what is a girl to do ???????
HELP !!! haha